
Our versatile dumpster lineup services:

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DumpStor of North Orlando

8am - 6pm
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Dumpsters Offered

Our dumpsters in DeBary, FL are great for home cleanouts, renovation, DIY projects, demolition jobs, and construction projects large and small. Learn how to rent a dumpster for your project.

20 Yard Open Top

20 Yard Open Top

The 20yd Open Top is a great option for debris removal needs for construction projects large and small. This 20 yard dumpster fits in a standard parking spot.

DumpStor Pro

DumpStor Pro

The DumpStor Pro is the ultimate dumpster in job site convenience. Space to lock tools, building materials and equipment while having a dumpster for trash removal over the course of the project. Fitting in a standard parking space, this patent pending dumpster is here to help save you time, space, and money.

20 Yard Enclosed

20 Yard Enclosed

The 20yd Enclosed handles debris removal projects where the customer wants to limit neighborhood dumping in their container and to keep rain/wind from disturbing the contents. The 20yd Enclosed allows customers to adhere to EPA regulations pertaining to rainwater runoff pollution.